TED Talk

event design

The prompt for this project was to create branding and advertising materials for an existing ted talk as if it were to be held in the Georgia State University student center. Create materials and/or experiences for each stage of the event: before, during, and after. The ted talk I chose was called “the mad scientist of music” by Mark Applebaum.


To advertise the event I created sleeves, pages, and artist tags that have different parts of the event details to advertise the ted talk. The separation of the event details is meant to engage the target audience and encourage them to actively discover and puzzle the details together.


During the event there is an interactive artist tag trading wall right outside the auditorium where the talk would take place. The wall includes three different parts (1) a variety of artist tags (2) a poster displaying the various artist tag symbols and their meanings, and (3) a chalkboard section for attendees to draw their own unique “artist symbol”.


After interacting with all three stages, attendees should have various pieces from before, during, and after the event. These pieces come together to create a collection book of artist tags, event info, and creative prompts. These pieces can be bound together and attendees can keep even after the event to be inspired by.




World's End